An EMERGENCY ALERT has been issued for Somerset as at 12:59pm on Monday, March 10.
This is a FLOOD WATCH AND ACT from Somerset Local Disaster Management Group.
PREPARE TO LEAVE. MAJOR flooding may occur along the Lockyer Creek with the Glenore Grove gauge predicted to reach 13m this afternoon (Monday, March 10, 2025).
Now is the time to activate your emergency plan. Shelter with family and friends or at the Lowood State High School Hall. Bring bedding, food, medication, and personal items. No Pets.
For more information visit
For assistance with a life-threatening situation phone Triple Zero (000) immediately.
For assistance with non-life-threatening situations - such as help with a damaged roof or storm damage - phone SES on 132 500.
Keep up to date with the latest weather advice at Queensland Warnings Summary (