All Emergency Management Directions in South Australia enacted by the State Coordinator Commissioner Grant Stevens are aimed at reducing the spread of COVID-19.
Each time a direction is issued it is important that everyone takes time to read and understand what the direction and restrictions mean to you. We appreciate that it can be complicated however following this process may help you form a better understanding.
Firstly, read the title of the direction as this will tell you broadly what the direction is about, the 'Cross Border Travel' Direction for example will be about the restrictions around cross border travel into South Australia from another state or territory.
The direction will usually contain definitions that explain each of the terms used, for example 'defined premises' and 'defined work or operations' in 'Non-Essential Business and Other Activities' Direction are all listed so you can see exactly what is being referred to.
The 'Direction' section will explain what is required to be done and what the restrictions are. It is very important to read this section carefully as it may mention exceptions to the direction. If there are exceptions these will be fully explained within the 'Exceptions' section.
Each direction will be signed by the State Coordinator including the time the direction will come into effect.
Follow the link to access copies of all Emergency Declarations and Directions along with associated FAQs.
If you are still having trouble understanding what the directions and restrictions mean for you please check out the information available at or seek legal advice from a qualified professional.
Please phone the SA COVID-19 Information Line on 1800 253 787 for further information.