Emeritus Prof. Fumio Koyama Receives 4th Hirose Award

Emeritus Professor/Specially Appointed Professor Fumio Koyama of the Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology was awarded the 4th Hirose Award from Hirose Foundation. The award ceremony and commemorative lecture took place on March 23, 2024.

Emeritus Professor Fumio Koyama (right) with Shingo Ogawa, Executive Director of Hirose Foundation

Emeritus Professor Fumio Koyama (right) with Shingo Ogawa, Executive Director of Hirose Foundation


Emeritus Professor/Specially Appointed Professor Fumio Koyama, Institute of Innovative Research

Awarding Organization

Hirose Foundation

Award Name

The 4th Hirose Award

Research Achievements

For leading research on VCSEL photonics for advanced optical interconnects and sensing

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