Dept of Climate Change, Energy, Environment & Water
The Australian Government has released the Emissions Projections 2024 report.
This year's projections report shows:
- emissions are expected to be 42.6% below 2005 levels by 2030 in the baseline scenario
- an improvement from the 37% reduction projected in 2023
- we are only fractions off our 43% emissions reduction target.
We are also on track to beat our emissions budget target from 2021 to 2030.
The policies helping drive this progress include:
- the Safeguard Mechanism reforms
- the expanded Capacity Investment Scheme that supports achieving an 82% renewable electricity target
- the New Vehicle Efficiency Standard (NVES) that will cut emissions from new passenger cars by over 60% by 2030
- the uptake of household solar use and planned projects including the use of offshore wind.
This path is a function of our continued commitment - and combined effort - to reach net zero emissions by 2050.
The 2024 emissions projections was released by the Minister for Climate Change and Energy alongside the:
- Australian Climate Change Statement 2024
- the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory: Quarterly updates for the June 2024 quarter.
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