Energy Study Shapes Future of High-Rise Living

Dept of Climate Change, Energy, Environment & Water

We are working with CSIRO to recruit residents for Australia's biggest apartments energy study to better understand how they use energy.

Findings from the research will help:

  • shape the future of energy efficiency in apartments
  • make high-rise living more comfortable and lower-cost.

More and more people are living in apartments and energy demands are increasing. It's important that governments, regulators and other agencies understand how energy is being used.

Participants will contribute valuable evidence and insights that will contribute to:

  • future apartment design
  • energy policies
  • energy-saving technologies.

Smart devices will be installed in 430 apartments that will measure real-time data revealing residents' behaviours such as:

  • daily cooking habits
  • appliance usage
  • air quality and temperature control
  • opening and closing of windows.

Residents will also receive a brief monthly text asking questions like:

  • how they dried their last load of laundry
  • how comfortable the inside temperature is.

All data collected will be kept confidential.

At the end of the study participants can keep the equipment installed at their home. They will also receive a report explaining how they use energy with recommendations on improving efficiency.

The study is looking for both owner occupants and renters from a range of locations including Melbourne, Sydney, south-east Queensland and Darwin.

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