Engage Session Highlights: Remote Sensing's Future

27 min read


On October 16, 2024, a special session of the NASA Goddard Engage series took place in the Goett Auditorium (Building 3) at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). The Engage series is intended to explain work at GSFC in an immersive and nontechnical setting. GSFC's Office of Communications, Earth Sciences Division, and Scientific Colloquium organized this special session.

The featured speaker for this event was The Honorable Al Gore [former Vice President of the U.S.], who has a long history of advocating for the environment and raising public awareness of the worsening "climate crisis" - having received the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts.

The event also featured a panel discussion called "Remote Sensing and the Future of Earth Observations." Three distinguished scientists spoke about what drew their interest in Earth science and responded to questions from the moderator and the in-person and online audience.

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