Today the Territory Labor Government has announced an additional $5.7million dollars to help community-based services response to domestic, family and sexual violence.
The funding, which is part of the Territory Labor's Governments Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Reduction Framework 2018-2028, has been allocated to a number of non-government services to provide support for victim-survivors and building community and place-based partnerships.
The grants consist of:
$2.5 million to thirteen specialist services to provide counselling, practice management and critical intervention outreach.$1.5 million has been allocated to seven NT organisations to support innovative place-based and community-led initiatives to build on the Government's response to domestic, family and sexual violence.$1.7 million has been allocated to infrastructure upgrades to non-government organisations providing support services to remote communities.
The Territory Labor Government has invested almost $160 million into tackling domestic, family and sexual violence. But we know more needs to be done.
The Minister for the Prevention of Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence, will be travelling to the National Women's and Women's Safety meeting this Friday, to meet with Federal, State and Territory counterparts, to continue Government's fight for needs-based domestic violence funding.
Quotes from the Minister for the Prevention of Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Kate Worden
"It has been an extremely heart breaking week here in the Territory with the senseless deaths of two women and a child in two alleged domestic violence incidents.
"Yes this is a National issue, but one we know far too well in the Territory and one that has particularly impacted our First Nations women for far too long.
"Since 2016 the Territory Labor Government has invested over $158.5 million into tackling domestic, family and sexual violence. But we know more needs to be done.
"It's time for federal funding to be provided on a needs-basis, not a 'one-size-fits-all' response.
"The complexities and challenges we have in the Territory are far greater than any other jurisdiction."
Enhanced Specialist Services Grants Recipients:
Miyalk Domestic and Family Violence Shelter (Crisis Accommodation Gove)Galiwinku Women's SpaceKatherine Women's Crisis CentreOne Tree Community Services - Wadeye Safe HouseWest Arnhem Regional Council - Gumbalunya Safe HouseCatholicCareYWCA AustraliaDawn HouseSalvation Army - Catherine Booth HouseDAIWSWoSSCATangentyere CouncilTennant Creek Women's Refuge
Community and Place-based Partnership Grants
Tarntipi Homelands Aboriginal Corporation and Catholic Care NTMiyalk Domestic and Family Violence Service and Rirratjingu Aboriginal CorporationGaliwin'ku Women's Space Inc. and Gong Dal - Gapuwiyak and surrounding HomelandsKatherine Women's Information and Legal Service Association and Djilpin Arts Women's Programs (Wugularr/Beswick)Tangentyere Council Aboriginal Corporation and Women's Safety Services of Central AustraliaKimberly Cubillo-Mulholland - IVOLVEGEN; Top End Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drugs Service; North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency; Mission Australia and Danila Dilba Health ServiceNational Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect.
Northern Territory Government