Ensuring Fair Go In Tasmania's Planning System

Tasmanian Government

Major reforms to the appeals process in planning decisions will be introduced to Parliament, ensuring the Tasmanian planning system is fairer, faster and simpler.

The Tasmanian Government will introduce legislation that only allows a person aggrieved by a planning decision to lodge an appeal to the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (TASCAT).

Minister for Housing, Planning, and Consumer Affairs, Felix Ellis said too many projects had been held up in Tasmania because of people who relentlessly oppose sensible, appropriate developments for the sake of stalling progress.

"This legislation will mean that appeals can only be lodged by someone who is directly and adversely impacted by the planning decision – not well-funded activist groups and anti-everything organisations set up to oppose Tasmania moving forward," Minister Ellis said.

"At the moment, anyone who has lodged a representation in relation to a development application can appeal a planning decision – even if they live on the mainland or the other end of the state and have no connection to the proposal.

"This change will ensure that those directly affected by, or with a longstanding interest, can continue to appeal planning decisions, but will prevent baseless objections that tie projects up in delays and red tape.

"We want to make sure that if you meet the planning rules, you are given a fair go.

"We will continue to make Tasmania's planning system fairer, faster, and simpler – a key part of our Government's 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future."

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