Ensuring Food Delivered Safely

We are working alongside Bayside cafes, restaurants and mobile businesses to uphold public safety.

Last year our Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) inspected every one of Bayside's 773 registered food premises and 300 mobile food businesses, conducting 1604 food premises inspections to ensure compliance with standards.

This unannounced visit ensures business ownership registrations are current and legislation requirements related to selling food are being followed.

Owners of Sandringham cafe Dzert, Maria and John Lanaras, work with Council to ensure all required health and safety measures are put into practice so customers can enjoy their visit with confidence.

"We maintain a high level of detail when it comes to food preparation, serving and general cleanliness - not because Council may inspect, but because we care about our customers and put their safety at the forefront of everything we do," Maria said.

EHOs are also tasked with responding to outbreaks of infectious diseases, monitoring water quality of aquatic facilities, investigating tobacco premises and conducting community education sessions.

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