Entries are now open for the Keep Australia Beautiful Council's (KABC) 2021 Tidy Towns Sustainable Communities Awards.
The annual awards, launched today at a community clean-up event in Esperance, are available to all remote and regional communities in Western Australia.
This is the 52nd year of the KABC flagship program, which acknowledges sustainable, litter-free communities by celebrating initiatives such as litter prevention, environmental education, preserving heritage, community action and youth leadership.
Communities are invited to apply for one or more of the seven categories:
- litter prevention and waste management;
- general appearance;
- community action and wellbeing;
- environmental sustainability;
- environmental education;
- heritage and culture; and
- young legends.
The Awards are funded by the Waste Authority through the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Account, and sponsored by Australian Institute of Management WA, Vanguard Press and Main Roads WA.
The 2020 State winner, Narrogin, will represent WA at the National Tidy Towns Awards in Victoria in June 2021.
Entries for the 2021 program close on August 27, 2021 and judging visits will take place in September. Winners will be announced at the State Awards Event at Optus Stadium on Friday, November 26, 2021.
For more information or to register online go to the KABC website or email [email protected]
As stated by Environment Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson:
"KABC's Tidy Towns Sustainable Communities Awards have a long history of encouraging friendly competition between towns, and enabling participants to learn from other communities about environmental initiatives and sustainability.
"These awards are about people coming together to ensure their communities are a place where visitors are delighted to come and locals want to stay.
"I encourage all Western Australian rural and remote towns to get their entries in and showcase the important work taking place in their community to protect WA's natural environment."
As stated by Agricultural Region MLC Shelley Payne:
"As a proud local, it is wonderful to have an opportunity to launch these iconic awards in Esperance.
"For more than 50 years, these awards have celebrated our regional communities and their commitment to environmental sustainability."