Wollondilly Shire Council's annual Illuminate 'Waste to Art' Exhibition and Competition, run in partnership with Southern Tablelands Arts, is once again challenging the way we look at waste.

The exhibition and competition give emerging and professional artists the chance to explore and share their waste reduction messages whilst showcasing their artistic abilities - with the chance to win up to $1000 in prize money.
Mayor Robert Khan said, "The Waste to Art Exhibition and Competition aims to communicate issues and inspire people to think differently about waste, litter and over-consumption"
"Each year, it is always inspiring to see the way the entrants use waste and recycled materials to put together some amazing creations," he said.
Entries are now open, and artworks considered for the exhibition can include:
- A 2D or 3D sculpture, assemblage, collage or textile artwork created from used and recycled material
- A functional object that you can use or wear created from used and recycled material
The competition is open to people who live in the Southern Tablelands Arts Regions of Wollondilly, Wingecarribee, Goulburn Mulwaree, Yass Valley, Upper Lachlan and Hilltops, or the Macarthur Region including Camden and Campbelltown.
This year there are three categories in the competition:
1. OPEN - 18 years of age and over (including professional artists)
First prize $1,000.00 / Second prize $500.00
2. YOUTH - 12 to 17 years of age
First prize $500.00 / Second prize $250.00
3. JUNIOR - 7 to 11 years of age
First prize $250.00 / Second prize $100.00
There will be two free Waste to Art workshops held at the Wollondilly Community Nursery, Wonga Rd, Picton.
- Adults - Saturday 4 September 10am - 4pm
- Children - Sunday 5 September 10am - 1pm
The competition is open for submissions until Wednesday 8 September 2021. Head to the Illuminate website