Environment Minister Responds to Net Zero Report

Environment and Climate Change Canada

Today, the Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, released his official response to the Net-Zero Advisory Body's (NZAB) second annual report. In his response, Minister Guilbeault welcomed the NZAB's advice and emphasized how their insights and recommendations will support and inform federal climate action.

The Government of Canada has already taken significant steps to implement the NZAB's recommendations to help build a strong, low-carbon economy. Some of these steps include:

  • publishing Canada's final Clean Electricity Regulations
  • publishing draft regulations to put a cap on oil and gas pollution
  • releasing Canada's ambitious and achievable 2035 greenhouse gas emissions reduction target
  • helping families lower their monthly energy bills while driving down emissions from buildings and transportation
  • delivering historic investments in Indigenous-led climate projects

In line with its legislated obligations under the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act, the Government of Canada will continue to consider the NZAB's expert advice to make progress under Canada's climate plan-the 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan-and develop the policies and investments needed to achieve a strong, net-zero economy by 2050.

To ensure that Canada's climate action agenda continues to deliver strong economic opportunities in every part of the country, the Government of Canada will continue to listen to and work collaboratively with Indigenous peoples, provinces and territories, municipalities, industry experts, and Canadian workers across sectors, including through the forthcoming work of Canada's Sustainable Jobs Partnership Council.

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