EOI: CEO Advisory Committees

The Borough of Queenscliffe is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced independent person to join its:

  • CEO Employment and Remuneration Advisory Committee and;

  • CEO Recruitment Committee.

The CEO Employment and Remuneration Advisory Committee advises Council on matters relating to the performance appraisal, performance monitoring, professional development, recognition and remuneration, and contractual arrangements of Council's CEO.

The CEO Recruitment Committee meets on an as needed basis to guide the recruitment process of the CEO.

Applicants should be qualified in any of Business/Commerce/Law/Human Resources and be able to bring demonstrated experience in matters outlined in the CEO Employment and Remuneration Council Policy. This includes preparing reports and recommendations for Council's consideration, ensuring Committee deliberations are undertaken in strictest confidence, and advising Committee members on human resource management best practice and local government strategic management best practice.

Council is seeking to recruit one person for a three-year period. A sitting allowance will be paid.

Expressions of Interest close at 11:00am on Friday 28 March 2025.

To apply, please fill out this form here and email it to [email protected] or deliver it to Council Offices at 50 Learmonth Street, Queenscliff.

For further enquiries please contact Jenni Walker, HR and Governance Coordinator on 5258 1377.

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