EOIs Invited For Appointment Of Judge And Chief Justice

Guy Barnett, Attorney General

In line with the requirements of the Supreme Court Act 1887, the Hon Justice Alan Blow AO will retire from the role of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Tasmania prior to the end of the year.

As a result of the Chief Justice's retirement, expressions of interest are being invited from suitably qualified Australian lawyers who wish to be considered for appointment to the office of Judge and the office of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Tasmania.

Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, Guy Barnett, thanked Chief Justice Blow for his esteemed service to Tasmania.

"Justice Blow has made a significant contribution to Tasmania in what is an incredibly important and public facing role in our judicial system," the Attorney-General said.

"He has served as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Tasmania since April 2013 having first been appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court of Tasmania in 2000.

"Chief Justice Blow has had a long and distinguished career in the law, almost entirely in Tasmania, and was appointed as an Officer of the Order of Australia in 2018 for his service to the judiciary and the law, and his contribution to legal education and professional standards.

"I want to thank him for his commitment, service and work to the Tasmanian people and wish him well in retirement.

"We have continued to strengthen and ensure our legal system is fit-for-purpose under our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future, and a new Chief Justice will be pivotal in ensuring the ongoing success of this important institution."

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