EOI's Open for Summer Futsal at BVAC

Futsal Geelong will be hosting a range of competitions for senior men teams, senior women teams, junior teams & schools league.

Monday: Under 11s & Men Seniors

Tuesday: Schools League & Mixed Futsal

Wednesday: Under 15s & Men Seniors

Thursday: Under 9s & Women Seniors

Friday: Under 13s & Under 17s

Leagues are set to commence in Mid to late September with 4 weeks of grading for Seniors and 3 weeks grading for Juniors before getting into the season proper.

Teams that are wanting to take part in the SFL should complete an expression of interest form.

Please be aware that we will only be taking expressions of interest whilst we wait for clarity on restriction levels that will allow for the resumption of futsal activities at BVAC. Registrations will be held off until this time. Futsal Geelong will not invite registrations until there is certainty on being able to hold a season over the Summer.

Key season information*

Grading Commences - Week of 20th September for seniors & 27th September for juniors

Regular Season Commences - Week of 18th October 2021

Finals Commence - Week of 28th February 2021 for juniors & 4th April seniors

*Please note that these dates and schedules are subject to change and may change on short notice. Teams entering must be prepared to adapt to changes as per directions provided by the state government on indoor community sport.

Season fees and charges

  • Team Registration Fee - $90
  • Weekly Team Match Fee - $60
  • Forfeit Fine (more than 24 hours notice) - $60
  • Forfeit Fine (less than 24 hours notice) - $90
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