EPA issues fine after dog dies from eating 1080 pesticide bait near Hargraves

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has fined a landholder $500 for allegedly failing to comply with the Pesticides legislation when using wild dog baits.

The landholder had been using sodium fluoroacetate (1080) pesticide baits on a property in the Hargraves area in the central-west of New South Wales in June 2019.

EPA Manager Central West Region Dr Sandie Jones said the EPA became aware of an alleged offence after a neighbour claimed his visiting friend's dog had died after eating baits.

"On attending the property an appropriately marked up 1080 sign was observed at the main entrance however, there was no sign erected on the internal gate that is the access gate to the baiting location as well as being a right-of-way to the neighbour's property," Dr Jones said.

Based on the allegations, the EPA spoke to the landholder regarding his baiting program.

"Not notifying neighbours, including erecting appropriate warning signs, is an offence under the Pesticide Control (1080 Baiting Products) Order 2017.

"The 1080 Control Order was prepared to ensure that 1080 baits can be used effectively and safely. If the requirements are not followed unintended consequences can occur, as has happened in this instance."

Dr Jones said that she hoped this would serve as a timely reminder to anyone using baits to be familiar with their obligations under the 1080 Pesticide Control Order .

"It is important that anyone who uses pesticides, particularly restricted pesticides such as 1080, uses them correctly, informs their neighbours, erects wild dog baiting signs at the entrance to every baiting location and keeps detailed records of how they were applied."

The community plays an important role in helping to monitor 1080 baiting activities. If you are concerned about an illegal baiting program, or you have knowledge of an incident, please call the 24/7 Environment Line on 131 555.

Penalty notices are one of a number of tools that the EPA can use to achieve environmental compliance including formal warnings, official cautions, notices and directions and prosecutions. In this instance the EPA issued a penalty notice. The notice recipient may pay the penalty notice, seek a review, or elect to have the matter determined by a court.

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