ESCWA Hosts GCC Meet Before 2nd Social Summit

Beirut, 12 March 2025--The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) and the Executive Bureau of the Council of Ministers of Labor and Social Affairs of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) States concluded the preparatory meeting for the 2nd World Summit on Social Development (WSSD2), scheduled to take place in Doha from 4 to 6 November.

Aimed at enhancing GCC participation in regional and international preparatory processes for the Summit, the online meeting brought together government representatives from ministries of labour, social development and foreign affairs from the six GCC countries, alongside representatives from the GCC Secretariat.

On 10 and 11 March, participants discussed key issues on the Summit's agenda and reflected on the Food for Thought paper produced by the co-facilitators of the Summit's Declaration (Belgium and Morocco). Discussions highlighted priorities and perspectives of GCC countries on the Summit themes, including strategic focus areas that the Council wishes to advance at WSSD2.

The meeting represents a significant step towards ensuring an effective engagement of the GCC countries in WSSD2.

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