EU Leaders Condemn Gaza Ceasefire Breakdown

European Commission

The EU deplores the breakdown of the ceasefire in Gaza and the deaths of civilians, including children, in Israeli airstrikes.

The EU calls on Israel to end its military operations and reiterates its call on Hamas to release all the hostages immediately. It urges Israel to exercise restraint and to resume unimpeded entry of humanitarian aid and electricity to Gaza.

We call on all parties to abide by their obligations under international humanitarian law.

The EU believes that the resumption of negotiations is the only way forward. Palestinians and Israelis have suffered immensely over the past year and a half. It is time to break the cycle of violence. Stability is a prerequisite for swift reconstruction.

The Rafah Crossing Point is closed until further notice. In the current situation, the EU's EUBAM Rafah mission is not deploying personnel at the RCP, but stays in the region pending further developments.

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