Today, the Commission is proposing a targeted amendment of the annexes of the Habitats Directive . This will align the Habitats Directive to the changed protection status of the wolf from 'strictly protected' to 'protected' under the Bern Convention , which entered into force today.
The Commission's proposal will give additional flexibility to Member States in managing their local wolf populations, so that they can take measures that are well adapted to regional circumstances. As the wolf will remain a protected species, Member States' conservation and management measures will still need to achieve and maintain favourable conservation status. Additionally, Member States will still have the possibility to maintain a higher level of wolf's protection, if deemed necessary under national law.
Investments in appropriate damage prevention measures remain essential to reduce livestock predation. The Commission will continue to help Member States and stakeholders in the design and implementation of such measures through funding and other forms of support.
European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, said: "In some European regions, wolf packs have become a real danger especially for livestock. Today, we are proposing a change of EU law that will help local authorities to actively manage wolf populations while protecting both biodiversity and our rural livelihoods."
Next steps
The Commission proposal for a targeted amendment of the annexes IV and V of the Habitats Directive regarding the protection status of the wolf will now have to be adopted by the European Parliament and the Council.
On the basis of an in-depth analysis on the status of the wolf in the EU , the Commission proposed in December 2023 to change the protection status of the wolf, which was then adopted by the Council in September 2024.
Following this, the Commission, on behalf of the EU, tabled the amendment proposal to the Secretariat of the Bern Convention. The proposal was endorsed by the Standing Committee of the Convention on 6 December 2024 . The amendment of the appendices of the Bern Convention entered into force on 7 March 2025, three months after its adoption.