EU Priorities for 2024-2029 Announced by European Council

European Commission

Yesterday, President Ursula von der Leyen took part in the first formal meeting of the European Council following the European elections of 6-9 June.

The 27 Heads of State or Government took stock of the outcome of the elections and took a decision on three top jobs that will lead the EU institutions in the upcoming cycle.

President von der Leyen was proposed by the Leaders to continue at the helm of the Commission for the next five years; the Prime Minister of Estonia, Kaja Kallas, was proposed as the next High Representative / Vice-President; and the former Prime Minister of Portugal António Costa was elected as the next President of the European Council.

During the closing press conference, President von der Leyen expressed her appreciation saying: "I would like to express my gratitude to the Leaders who endorsed my nomination for a second mandate as President of the European Commission. For me this means that I will now seek confirmation from the European Parliament on my appointment after presenting my political guidelines for the next five years."

The EU Leaders also adopted the strategic agenda 2024-2029, which lays out the EU's main objectives for the next five years articulated around three pillars: a free and democratic Europe, a strong and secure Europe, and a prosperous and competitive Europe.

Strong support and security commitments towards Ukraine

Earlier in the day, the EU Leaders welcomed the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

It was an occasion for the EU as a whole to reiterate its full support to Ukraine as it continues to defend itself against Russia, and especially after EU accession negotiations were launched this week.

Presidents von der Leyen, Michel and Zelenskyy signed the EU's security commitments for Ukraine. These commitments include the EU's pledge to continue delivering of the weapons, the military training and the aid that Ukraine needs.

Additionally, President von der Leyen announced the disbursement of €1.9 billion for Ukraine under the Ukraine Facility, the scheme that will provide Ukraine with €50 billion of stable and predictable funding until 2027.

The Leaders also expressed their willingness to reach this summer the first disbursement of support for Ukraine from the extraordinary revenue of Russia's immobilised assets. This determination builds on the recent adoption of the relevant legal acts, as well as on the decision of the G7 to provide some €50 billion in loans to be repaid with the revenue of the immobilised assets.

Foreign affairs, security and defence

The Leaders also discussed several foreign affairs and defence matters including the recently launched accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova, the situation in Georgia, hybrid activities against the EU, and the EU's defence needs.

Notably, the European Council called on Israel to comply with its obligations under international law and international humanitarian law as it exercises its right to self-defence. They also expressed deep concern over the consequences on the civilian population of the military operation in Rafah and over the growing tensions in the Lebanese-Israeli border.

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