EU Raises €9B in 3rd 2025 Bond Sale

European Commission

The single-tranche transaction concerned a new €9 billion EU-Bond maturing on 12 December 2035. The 10-year bond was priced 99.674% with a re-offer yield of 3.413%. Bids received were in excess of €95 billion and this equals oversubscription rate of approximately 10-times.

The proceeds of the transaction will be used to finance EU policy programmes most notably in the context of NextGenerationEU and support to Ukraine.

Today's bond syndication

10-year Bond

Due on 12 December 2035, this bond carries a coupon of 3.375% and came at a re-offer yield of 3.413%, equivalent to a price of 99.674%. The spread to mid-swap is 65 bps, which is equivalent to 52.9 bps over the Bund due on 15 February 2035 and -15.5 bps below the OAT due 25 May 2035.

The final order book was of over €95 billion.

The joint lead managers of this transaction were BofA, CA-CIB, DZ Bank, GS and Santander. Commerzbank, Danske, Intesa, KBC, MPS and UBS acted as co-leads.

The Commission has now issued approximately €40.17 billion of its €90 billion bond issuance target for the first half of 2025

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