EU Seeks Input on Clean Industrial Aid Framework

European Commission

The European Commission has launched today a consultation inviting all interested stakeholders to comment on its draft State aid Framework accompanying the Clean Industrial Deal ('CISAF').

On 26 February 2025, the Commission published the Communication on the Clean Industrial Deal: A joint roadmap for competitiveness and decarbonization , announcing the adoption of a new State aid Framework in the second quarter of 2025. Today, the Commission is launching a consultation on the draft text of CISAF. The adoption is planned for June 2025.

The CISAF will accompany the Clean Industrial Deal by setting out how Member States can design State aid measures to support its objectives, building on the experience with the Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework ('TCTF') transition provisions (i.e. sections 2.5, 2.6 and 2.8 TCTF). Once adopted, the CISAF will replace the TCTF and is intended to be in force until 31 December 2030, offering a longer planning horizon for Member States, and investment predictability and certainty for businesses. It will ease certain standard requirements, like the mandatory bidding process to allocate State aid, which will speed up the use of the schemes once they are set up by Member States.

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