EU Talks: Clean Transition in Auto Industry

European Commission

ACEA (The European Automobile Manufacturers' Association)

AVERE (European Electric Road Vehicle Association)

BEUC (The European Consumer Organisation)

CECRA (European Council for Motor Trades and Repairs)

ChargeUp Europe

CLEPA (The European Association of Automotive Suppliers)

E.DSO (European Distribution System Operators)

EBA (European Battery Alliance)

Eurelectric (Union of the Electricity Industry), tbc.

ICCT (International Council on Clean Transportation)

IndustriALL (IndustriAll European Trade Union)

Leaseurope (European Federation of Leasing Company Associations)

LEVA-EU (Light Electric Vehicle Association for the EU)

POLIS Network (Cities and Regions for Transport Innovation)

IRU (International Road Transports Union)

T&E (European Federation for Transport and Environment)

Center for Automotive and Mobility Innovation, University of Venice

Institut Mobilités en Transition, IDDRI (Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales)

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