EU Unveils New Partnerships in Materials, Textiles, Solar

European Commission

The Commission has taken a key step in advancing Europe's technological leadership and sustainability goals by creating three new European Partnerships on advanced materials, textiles, and photovoltaics.

Established under Horizon Europe , these partnerships will drive growth, sustainability and resilience, contributing to a strong, inclusive and globally competitive Europe.

Identified as essential in the Horizon Europe Strategic Plan 2025-2027 , the three partnerships are:

  • European Partnership for Innovation in Photovoltaics: It will strengthen Europe's position in the global photovoltaics (PV) industry, supporting the transition to renewable energy, particularly to solar power, as outlined in the European Green Deal , the REPowerEU Plan and the 2023 Renewable Energy Directive . It will scale up the European PV manufacturing capacity, develop a more resilient value chain in the EU and reduce dependency on fossil fuels through collaboration across the entire PV value chain. The Commission and the private partners plan to invest up to €240 million each from 2025 to 2030 in the partnership.
  • European Partnership for Textiles of the Future: It will drive the transformation of the textile industry towards sustainability and circularity, aligning with the EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles . The initiative will leverage digital innovations and new business models within the sector and enhance Europe's strategic autonomy. At the same time, it will help to keep the industry competitive, resilient, and sustainable in a rapidly changing global market. The Commission and the private partners plan to invest up to €30 million each from 2025 to 2030 in this partnership.
  • European Partnership for Innovative Advanced Materials for the EU: In line with the Communication on Advanced Materials for Industrial Leadership , it will strengthen technology sovereignty and industrial competitiveness in advanced materials. The partnership will respond to industrial needs and accelerate design, development and industrial uptake of safe and sustainable advanced materials and associated technologies fit for the circular economy. The Commission and the private partners plan to invest up to €250 million each by 2030 in this partnership.

Next steps

The Memorandum of Understanding is the basis for the cooperation between the Commission and the other partners in a co-programmed partnership. Once adopted and signed, the partnerships will begin through dedicated Horizon Europe Work Programme calls, complemented by additional investments and activities by partners. The first funding opportunities under these new partnerships will be part of the Horizon Europe Work Programme 2025.

Later this year, a fourth co-programmed partnership on Virtual Worlds will be launched. It aims to shape open, interoperable, and secure virtual worlds aligned with Europe's Digital Decade 2030 vision, promoting inclusivity, privacy, and business opportunities.


The three new partnerships will complement and strengthen the existing portfolio of 12 co-programmed partnerships that were launched following the Horizon Europe Strategic Plan 2021-2024.

European Partnerships in Horizon Europe are collaborative initiatives that bring together private and/or public entities to address the EU's most pressing challenges through joint research and innovation activities.

Co-programmed European Partnerships involve the Commission and mostly private partners, often represented by industry associations. These partnerships facilitate joint commitments between the Commission and industry stakeholders to drive forward strategic research and innovation agendas. By bringing private and public partners together, co-programmed European Partnerships help align research and innovation efforts, leverage private investments, and avoid duplication and fragmentation within the EU's research and innovation landscape.

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