To encourage scientists to speak up when people misuse science to serve political agendas, biology professor Mark Peifer of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill argues that eugenics should be included in college genetics curriculums. In an opinion paper publishing March 27 in the Cell Press journal Trends in Genetics, Peifer explains how he incorporated a discussion of eugenics into his molecular genetics course last year and why understanding the history of the field is critical for up-and-coming scientists.
"Eugenics is not dead but continues to influence science and policy today," writes Peifer ( @peiferlabunc , ). "We should include eugenics in our undergraduate classes, reminding students that scientists must speak out when others lie about science and use it to further their political views."
In his genetics course, Peifer led his students through the history of eugenics—a term that was coined in 1883 to describe the practice of promoting planned breeding for "racial improvement." He explained how the idea gained global popularity during the 20th century and was used to justify forced sterilization, racist immigration policies, and genocide in Nazi Germany. The class also covered how eugenics was championed scientifically by some of the founding fathers of genetics and molecular biology—including James Watson, one of the scientists who co-discovered the structure of DNA.
"The core ideas of eugenics are not things of the past—they fuel current political discourse, as political candidates talk about 'good genes' and 'bad genes' and suggest immigration is 'poisoning the blood of our country,'" writes Peifer. "Science provides technology, but society decides how to use it."
To illustrate the relevance of eugenics in today's world, Peifer ended the class by asking the students to discuss a series of questions surrounding in vitro fertilization (IVF) and embryo screening: Should we allow IVF? Should we allow embryo screening for cystic fibrosis? Should we allow screening for chromosomal sex? Should we allow screening for height?
"Some might argue that with all the complex topics to cover, we don't have time for a historical discussion with political overtones on our syllabi," writes Peifer. "I think the centrality of genetics to society, the lives of our students, and their ability to make thoughtful choices make discussing eugenics critical. Our students will also be citizens and will help friends and family navigate complex decisions with science at their base."