European Society of Cardiology
The official meeting of the European Association for Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI) of the European Society of Cardiology is taking place on 16-19 May 2023 at the Palais des Congrès - Paris, France.
EuroPCR, the annual world-leading Course in interventional cardiovascular medicine, has been taking place for over 30 years. It is tailored for all those dedicated to the sharing of knowledge and skills, and improvement of patient care worldwide: interventional cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, imaging specialists, radiologists, nurses, allied professionals and other practitioners, as well as researchers, innovators and industry representatives. The 4-day meeting addresses interventions for coronary and peripheral vessels, for the structural heart including valves, for hypertension, heart failure and stroke, while keeping the community up to date with all the very latest innovations in the field.
To benefit from the full value of the renowned EuroPCR learning experience, participants are encouraged to join the Course onsite. However, a digital package provides those connecting on the user-friendly platform with a selection of live-streamed sessions, and the opportunity to interact in real time with their peers in Paris and worldwide.
Hands-on training will once again be at the forefront of the Course. Participants of all levels will be able to sharpen their practical skills in a total of 220 workshops taking place in the 902 sqm Training Village, the innovative Simulation-based Learning Room and the Hands On Lab for small groups of participants.
50% of the Course is built from among the worldwide community's total of 2,400 submissions to this year's Calls for Scientific Abstracts, Clinical Cases, Images, Innovations and Late-Breaking Trials. 879 presenters from 78 different countries will be sharing their work. There were notably a record-breaking 129 late-breaking trials submitted to EuroPCR 2023, and the 50 being presented onsite will share the latest data with the community. Details of the full programme here:
The PCR's Got Talent scientific abstract competition for under 40's consists of three onsite rounds. It has met with great popularity since it first took place in 2015. Competitors benefit from onsite professional coaching for their communication and presentation skills, and the winner is announced in the Awards Ceremony. They obtain onsite and online visibility for their work, and an invitation to participate as Faculty in the subsequent edition of the Course.
Key features:
• 4-day Course
• 21 session rooms
• 320+ educational sessions
• 450+ hours of Programme content
• LIVE demonstrations
• 902 sqm Training Village
• TV studio in Paris live streaming sessions for worldwide access
• 2,400+ submissions received
• 85+ Industry booths in the Exhibition Area
Focus on international collaboration:
• 65 National Societies and Working Groups in the onsite Scientific Programme
• 126 Countries represented by Course participants, as of 01 May
• 79 Countries represented by the 798 Faculty
• 879 Presenters from 78 different countries
• 5 LIVE Centres in 4 different countries
A special theme
This year, the Course will be marking the 30th anniversary of primary PCI for STEMI. Since its invention, this life saving PCI procedure has saved literally millions of people all around the globe. This will be the focus of the Welcome Ceremony, during which the Andreas Grüntzig Ethica Award will also be announced.
Other sessions of interest
LIVE cases are covering topics such as: distal left main, aortic stenosis, calcified lesions, bifurcation lesions, TAVI, transcatheter bicuspid valve replacement, robotics, and multivessel disease.
Simulation-based learning: practical sessions on a wide range of topics involve step-by-step demonstrations using simulators, alongside opportunities for hands-on practice. They will cover a multitude of topics, such as a Focus on imaging - Calcified plaque assessment and PCI guidance by IVUS and OCT, Left main PCI guided with IVUS and OCT & Echo-guided arterial puncture.
A programme for Nurses and Allied Professionals comprising 9 sessions that share tips and tricks from experts, practical knowledge and up-to-date techniques for daily practice.
The dedicated EAPCI-PCR Fellows Course on the day before EuroPCR is designed for practitioners in the early stage of their professions. It is supported by the EAPCI Young and PCR NextGen, and has already announced a full house with a record number of participants.
PCR Innovators Day is being held on 15 May and will gather the field's key stakeholders:
healthcare practitioners, academics, engineers and business professionals. It will be wrapped up
with the Jon DeHaan Foundation's generous award of a $200,000 grant for the best innovation.
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