Today, on the 21st European Remembrance Day for Victims of Terrorism, the Council of Europe honours and remembers the lives tragically lost and the survivors who continue to bear the scars of these heinous acts.
As Europe continues to face terrorist attacks, this day stands as a solemn reminder that terrorism continues to be one of the most serious threats to international peace, security and the well-being of citizens in Europe.
The Council of Europe, through its Committee on Counter-Terrorism (CDCT), is working to support victims and survivors and ensure that their rights are respected and upheld, including across borders. The CDCT remains committed to supporting victims of terrorism through its Network of Single Contact Points for the Exchange of Procedural Information regarding the Legal Standing of Victims of Terrorism. The Council of Europe will continue to strengthen national mechanisms of assistance through its forthcoming Guidelines on support services and other measures for victims of terrorism, to ensure that they receive full recognition of, and reparation for, their suffering.
Council of Europe Counter-Terrorism Strategy (2023-2027)