Ex-Officio Member Reappointed to Senior Salaries Body

UK Gov

Zoë Billingham CBE has been reappointed as Ex-Officio Member.

Zoë Billingham CBE has been reappointed as Ex-Officio Member of the Senior Salaries Review Body following the end of her term on 31 January 2025.

She has been reappointed to the role for another term of 3 years, starting on 1 February 2025. She will serve as Ex-Officio Member until 31st January 2028.

The Senior Salaries Review Body is an independent body which provides advice to the Prime Minister, the Lord Chancellor, the Secretary of State for Defence, the Secretary of State for Health and the Home Secretary on the pay of Senior Civil Servants, the judiciary, senior officers of the armed forces, certain senior managers in the NHS, Police and Crime Commissioners and chief police officers.

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