As we emerge from the wild weather and start to assess the impacts, Sunshine Coast Local Recovery Group Chair and Deputy Mayor Maria Suarez said now was the time to help those affected by Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred.
"We've seen an outpouring of support and offers of assistance right across the region," Cr Suarez said.
"From beach clean-ups to volunteering and donating essential items, there are lots of ways the community can help.
"I would like to personally thank each and every person who has helped their neighbour, family and friends, and even strangers, during this time - that's what makes me so proud to be part of the Sunshine Coast."
Volunteer your time for a beach clean-up
"We are working to support volunteer groups involved in beach clean-ups by ensuring a coordinated and efficient clean-up operation," Cr Suarez said.
"As soon as it's safe to run the clean-up, Council will provide information on how you can register."
Beach repair priorities
The Sunshine Coast coastline suffered quite significant damage.
"We're prioritising repairing beach access at surf lifesaving towers to ensure lifesaver and emergency vehicles can get through and to help with opening up patrolled areas as soon as we can" Cr Suarez said.
"Crews are out conducting coastal inspections, checking seawalls, canals and revetment walls and assessing dune erosion impacts.
"Erosion across the coastline has caused beach scarping, which is a natural event.
"Our beaches will eventually repair themselves, however, depending on future weather conditions, this could take some time.
"Please stay off the dunes to allow this natural regeneration process to occur."
GIVIT has partnered with the Queensland Government to manage donations of essential goods and services for people impacted by Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred.
To see what our vulnerable people may need, please visit the GIVIT Disaster Recovery Appeals website which is a free service that assists in the management of donated goods during Queensland disasters.
While your generosity is appreciated, we ask that you do not establish your own donation collection and distribution points or donate to charities who have not requested this assistance. It can make our volunteer work more difficult as goods may not be suitable or able to be stored properly.
Council crews are checking on our roads across the region, especially those that were inundated by flood water.
If you see road damage, please report it via the SCC App which can pinpoint your location. You can also upload photos of the damage.
Council staff are working with Chambers of Commerce, industry associations and individual businesses to understand Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred impacts.
To see what assistance is available for businesses, please visit the Business Queensland website or reach out to Council's Business Support Team.
Sport and Recreation Disaster Recovery Program (SRDRP): Queensland Department of Sport, Racing, Olympic and Paralympic Games has activated their $5000 grants which supports not-for-profit sport and recreation organisations with funding to recover after extreme weather.
Disaster Recovery Allowance: Support is available if you've lost income as a direct result of Queensland Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred.
Council's Emergency Grants: Not for profit community organisations can apply for up to $3000 to fund projects that have arisen as a consequence of failure, damage or loss of essential equipment or infrastructure due to unforeseen circumstances. Please contact Council's Community Grants Team on 5420 8616.