Exhibition Of Council Resolution 16.2

Gunnedah Shire Council

At an ordinary Gunnedah Shire Council meeting on Wednesday, 19 March, 2025, Council resolved to place on public exhibition, for 28 days, the following Council resolution:

"Council enter into a funding agreement with Swimming Gunnedah Inc and Gunnedah Triathlon Club providing financial assistance pertaining to use of the Gunnedah Memorial Pool Complex. The funding agreement shall provide:

1. An allocation of three (3) lanes to Swimming Gunnedah Inc for the purpose of swimming training

2. An allocation of one (1) lane to Gunnedah Triathlon Club for the purpose of swimming training

3. The Dan Killick Room be made available to Swimming Gunnedah Inc for the purpose of swimming training but, if it is not in use by Swimming Gunnedah Inc for this purpose, to be available to other user groups upon written notice to Council

4. A fee waiver of $1000 per annum of total costs associated with lane hire and usage fees for the Dan Killick Room

5. That this funding agreement be for a period of three (3) years and reviewed annually

That this funding agreement be placed on public exhibition for a period of 28 days and return to Council for endorsement.

If you have feedback on the resolution on exhibition, please submit via the following methods:

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