Expert Panel Sets Terms for Methane Emission Review

Dept of Climate Change, Energy, Environment & Water

The Australian Government has published the Terms of Reference and appointed members of the Expert Panel on Atmospheric Measurement of Fugitive Methane Emissions.

New approaches to estimating fugitive methane emissions by combining atmospheric detection of methane with modelling and other analysis (top-down approaches) are rapidly developing.

The Panel will advise the government on the current scientific understanding of these approaches for the coal, oil and gas sectors. They will also advise on the approaches' potential role in the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) scheme and Australia's National Greenhouse Accounts.

Dr Cathy Foley AO PSM is the Chair of the Panel and is a former Australian Chief Scientist.

The Panel brings together scientific, technical and operational expertise and knowledge to provide advice to government.

The members are:

  • Associate Professor Bryce Kelly
  • Dr Cindy Ong
  • Dr Mark Lunt
  • Mr Ian Joynes
  • Associate Professor Simit Raval
  • Mr David Ruddell
  • Professor Eric May.

The Panel's work will implement part of the government's response to the 2023 Climate Change Authority review of the NGER scheme.

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