Explore Chill Side Of Science At ACS Kids Zone

American Chemical Society

Glaciers, slime, and science? That's just the beginning at this year's ACS Kids Zone, a free, family-friendly event hosted by the American Chemical Society (ACS) on Saturday, March 22, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. PST at the Logan Memorial Educational Campus in San Diego, California.

Sponsored by ACS President Dorothy J. Phillips, this one-day event invites children and families to explore the fascinating world of glaciers through hands-on activities led by real scientists. From photo ops with ACS mascot Meg-A-Mole to interactive science stations, Kids Zone is where curiosity takes center stage.

Families can dive into cool experiments like:

Snap, Crackle, Pop! Compare candy crackles to glacier sizzles. It's chemistry you can hear.

Ice Cores Count Build a model ice core and count its layers to reveal the secrets of ancient snow.

Ice Melt Race Test various melting methods and uncover which poses the greatest threat to our precious glaciers.

Slime: A Model Glacier Make your own glacier slime and take it home!

Glaciers on the Move Build an exciting obstacle course and watch your slime glide downhill just like ice on a real glacier.

Icy Lakes and Oceans Curious whether ice water sinks or floats? You don't need to visit a lake or ocean-find out during this activity and uncover the fascinating science behind it.

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