At the request of interested parties to allow them time to develop their submissions, Snowy Monaro Regional Council has extended the submission period for expressions of interest to provide short-term respite care (or similar services) for residents of the Snowy Monaro through the repurposing of Snowy River Hostel in Berridale.
Over the last three years, Council has been working to divest the organisation of its residential aged care services and facilities.
Respite care is Council's preferred operating model for the future use of the Snowy River Hostel site. This includes 'cottage respite' services provided under the Commonwealth Home Support Programme, short-term accommodation or respite care provided under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), or other respite models outside of the specific examples listed above.
Council may consider alternative operating models for the site. These include alternative care models to support people over the age of 65 years, affordable or community housing, and crisis housing.
Expressions of interest must include a sound business case, containing:
- The proposed business model
- Evidence to support the business model, and the viability of the service or service options presented
- A demonstration of the need for the service or service options proposed, with a preference for statistical data in support of these claims
- Information about the proposed provider's existing service footprint in the region, including a list of the services offered and operating locations
- Resourcing options and evidence for the proposed model