Extending CHRMAP Community Consultation

Dept of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications

The Australian Government will extend community consultation on the draft Coastal Hazards Risk Management and Adaptation Plan (CHRMAP) for Cocos (Keeling) Islands to 30 June 2025.

This will give CKI residents more time to provide feedback on this draft plan - building on responses already received through on-island consultation sessions that commenced earlier this year.

The CHRMAP identifies on-island assets that will be impacted by sea-level rises over the next 50 years, and recommends a flexible decision-making pathway over time as coastal hazards emerge.

The government is committed to local voices and lived experiences informing future response options.

Following consideration of consultation responses, the CHRMAP will be finalised and published - with this community feedback to also support the government's Ministerial working group develop a whole-of-government response to the long-term impacts of climate change on CKI.

The government is already investing in the immediate challenges on CKI, by rolling out a $23.3 million preparedness package to improve emergency resilience and community safety.

This includes upgrading existing sea walls protecting key community infrastructure, and the critical highway linking the community to the port - along with improvements to cyclone shelters on both Home and West Islands.

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