Extension Master Gardener: 50 Years of Growth

The interactive workshop held in 2022 brought together experts, coordinators, and volunteers to discuss innovative approaches to addressing evolving community needs and expanding the program's impact. Key topics included leveraging technology to connect with diverse audiences, fostering inclusive volunteer environments, and developing cutting-edge resources to address critical issues such as climate resilience, sustainable gardening, and food security.

The North Carolina State Extension Master Gardener (EMG) program successfully transitioned to virtual platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic to continue volunteer training and engagement. Presenters highlighted how online tools like Moodle, Top Hat, and Zoom facilitated education and project involvement. Volunteers contributed to resources such as the Extension Gardener Handbook and Plant Toolbox, gaining valuable skills and community connections.

Digital options greatly improved accessibility, allowing participants to engage from anywhere and at their convenience. Online opportunities attracted a younger, more diverse audience and expanded partnerships. However, challenges included increased demands on agents, difficulties in building relationships, and the extra effort required to manage and train volunteers. Technological flexibility and ADA compliance were also key considerations.

By focusing on adaptable and forward-thinking methods, the EMG Program aims to deepen its engagement with volunteers and community members while maintaining its strong commitment to science-based education. These strategies will ensure the program continues to thrive and serve as a valuable resource for communities across the country for the next 50 years and beyond.

The full article can be found on the ASHS HortTech electronic journal website at: https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH05297-23

Established in 1903, the American Society for Horticultural Science is recognized around the world as one of the most respected and influential professional societies for horticultural scientists. ASHS is committed to promoting and encouraging national and international interest in scientific research and education in all branches of horticulture.

Comprised of thousands of members worldwide, ASHS represents a broad cross-section of the horticultural community-scientists, educators, students, landscape and turf managers, government, extension agents and industry professionals. ASHS members focus on practices and problems in horticulture: breeding, propagation, production and management, harvesting, handling and storage, processing, marketing and use of horticultural plants and products. To learn more, visit ashs.org.

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