Extramural Studies Placement 2025

UK Gov

Opportunity for veterinary students to apply to attend a one-week extramural studies (EMS) placement in July 2025.

The VMD invites veterinary students who are in their clinical years of study to apply to attend a one-week extramural studies (EMS) placement in July 2025, at the VMD's offices in Addlestone, Surrey.

The placement is an exciting opportunity to discover how veterinary medicines and vaccines are authorised. Students will also explore other important aspects of the VMD's work and will learn about a range of career opportunities in the veterinary profession.

The placement will be run from 7 to 11 July 2025. The week will be structured with lectures and workshops. Some of the topics that will be covered include:

  • Medicine use in clinical practice
  • Assessing new medicine applications, including Quality, Safety and Efficacy of medicines
  • Generic medicines; bioequivalence and biowaivers
  • Pharmacovigilance and the importance of reporting adverse events
  • Novel and emerging therapies
  • VMD international activities
  • Antimicrobial and anthelmintic resistance
  • Veterinary medicine legislation

To apply

Please complete the EMS Application form (MS Word Document, 44.9 KB) and email to

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