In a joint initiative between Camden and Campbelltown Councils as well as the NSW Police Force - Macarthur Highway Patrol, a monthly road safety campaign was recently launched.
Published the second Monday of the month on Camden and Campbelltown Council's Facebook pages and websites, Eyes on the Road highlights local, timely and relevant road safety issues.
Mayor of Camden, Cr Therese Fedeli praised the initiative and the collaboration between the councils and local Police.
"The aim of Eyes on the Road is to highlight local road safety issues, increase road safety awareness and reduce road trauma, Cr Fedeli said.
"So far this year we have already lost 34 lives on our roads in NSW which is heartbreaking for the family and friends of the loved ones as well as the first responders who attend the crashes.
"We want everyone to return home safely to their family and friends."
Past monthly Eyes on the Road topics can be viewed on Council's website.
Camden Council has a long and proud working history with Macarthur Highway Patrol and Camden Police Area Command addressing community and road safety issues and facilitating a number of community programs including Logbook Runs for Learners, Drive to Stay Alive and graffiti education.