Face Masks available for Ballina Shire Business Operators

Face Masks available for Ballina Shire Business Operators

NSW Health has provided masks for business operators in Ballina Shire, following their direction that masks are mandatory for all retail and hospitality venues and all indoor public settings, as well as public transport

Ballina Shire Council is calling on the three business chambers to assist in distributing these masks to the local business community.

Business operators will also be able to collect face masks from the following locations (limit of one box of 50 per business):

  • Alstonville Aquatic Centre (open Thursday 1 April 5.30am to 7pm; open Easter Saturday, Sunday and Monday 10am to 5pm).
  • Ballina Visitor Information Centre (open Thursday 1 April 9am to 5pm; open everyday over Easter 10am to 2pm).
  • Lennox Head Cultural Centre (open Thursday 1 April 8.30am to 4.30pm; closed Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Sunday and Monday).
  • Ballina Shire Council Chambers (open Thursday 1 April 8.15am to 4.30pm; closed Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Sunday and Monday).

Community Announcement - Face Masks available for Ballina Shire Business Operators (pdf)

NSW Health Latest News

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