Facility Upgrades Boost AMC Staff and Detainee Welfare

An $8 million investment in the Alexander Maconochie Centre (AMC) has delivered upgraded and expanded spaces, benefiting staff and detainees. This infrastructure improvement is designed to enhance working conditions for staff and provide additional areas for detainees to engage in education and rehabilitation programs.

Staff moved into the new building in February and work is underway to repurpose the previous admin areas into additional education spaces for detainees.

One large classroom for group education sessions is available, while a large group program room, an additional distance education space, and a private, multi-purpose space for female detainees, will be completed in coming months.

Minister for Corrections Dr Marisa Paterson said the new spaces improved conditions for both staff and detainees.

"These upgrades are enhancing working conditions for staff and improving educational enrolment opportunities for detainees," Minister Paterson said.

"The new administration building is a significant improvement for our dedicated staff who work hard every day to provide a critical service to the Canberra community.

"The vacating of the previous administrative areas has created an opportunity to expand the spaces available for detainee services. These new areas will increase the capacity to provide education and rehabilitation programs, helping reduce the likelihood of detainees re-offending and returning to detention."

Heating and cooling of new and existing detainee education spaces will also be improved as part of the project.

Education currently offered at the AMC and delivered by registered training organisations include courses in construction, safe work practices, business, and hygienic practices and food safety.

Rehabilitation programs currently include the Explore, Question, Understand, Investigate, Practice/Plan and Succeed (EQUIPS) suite of programs, such as EQUIPS Addiction and EQUIPS Domestic and Family Violence

Distance Education is available for eligible detainees, with tertiary-level support from a senior education officer. External study is subject to approval, and detainees are responsible for the relevant administration, deliverables and costs. Library and ICT resources are available to detainees engaging in distance education.

Quotes attributable ACT Corrective Services Commissioner Leanne Close:

"Education and training opportunities are an extremely important factor in reducing recidivism," Ms Close said.

"While the ACT is well above the national average, with more than a third of eligible detainees enrolled in education or training programs, these new detainee spaces increase our ability to provide these critical programs moving forward."

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