Fairy Lights For Ramsgate Beach Shops: Bayside

Bayside Council is considering installing a permanent fairy light display at the Ramsgate Beach shops to improve safety and create a more inviting environment for the public following a decision at last month's Council Meeting.

In 2022 Council created a similar installation at the plaza at Trafalgar Street and Bay Street, Brighton-Le-Sands that has been very popular with the public.

The more recent "Safer Cities - Her Way" partnership between Bayside Council and Transport for NSW also proved how public spaces can be successfully improved with better lightening.

Council is now investigating the cost of providing permanent fairy lighting at Ramsgate Beach shops to create a more inviting, atmospheric atmosphere.

Quotations for different decorative lighting configurations will be provided to a future City Services Committee Meeting and Council will consider including this lighting in the FY25/26 Operational Budget.

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