Fall For Macedon Ranges All Over Again In Autumn


Golden leaves, crisp air and a feast for the senses – it's time for the annual celebration of autumn across the Macedon Ranges, alongside measures to support increased visitation in specific towns.

From 1-30 April 2025, the Macedon Ranges Autumn Festival transforms the region into a vibrant celebration of local food, artisan crafts and seasonal delights, highlighted by tailored trails showcasing the best in baked goods, signature beverages, plant-based innovations and leafy locations.

Mayor Dom Bonanno said the Council-led festival, now in its fifth year in collaboration with local businesses and groups, continued to support visitation across the shire and boost the local economy.

"The Autumn Festival is a wonderful celebration of our region, encouraging both locals and visitors to explore our towns while supporting local businesses and tailored events," he said.

"We continue to receive positive feedback from businesses year on year about the upticks in areas such as accommodation, hospitality and retail – with unique features like Australia's biggest Pie & Tart Trail, it gives visitors and locals even more of a reason to enjoy the stunning Macedon Ranges."

For the annual Autumn Festival, visit the Woodend Visitor Information Centre as the go-to festival hub, or head to visitmacedonranges.com/autumn-festival to explore what's on offer throughout April.

The Autumn Festival encourages dispersion across the shire through these celebrations, however Council acknowledges the ongoing interest and increased visitation to Macedon and Mount Macedon specifically, which occurs outside of the festival program. Temporary measures around these two towns will be in place, aimed at maintaining amenity for locals and supporting the safety of visitors.

From late March to 12 May, additional signage will enforce no-parking zones on selected Council-managed roads. From 5 April to 4 May on weekends and public holidays, a full road closure on Honour Avenue will be enforced from 8am to 6pm, with traffic management in place. Additional amenities, including toilets and bins, will be provided around the main event areas.

This year, a local community group is also working to support residents and visitors, leading the return of measures such as a shuttle bus service to open gardens, aiming to reduce vehicle congestion in Mount Macedon.

"It is not surprising that the vibrant colours of Honour Avenue and the stunning gardens in Mount Macedon continue to attract an influx of visitors in autumn," Mayor Bonanno said.

"This year's measures and the addition of some community-led support is a great example of collaboration, and we appreciate the efforts of residents, businesses and agencies in working together with Council, to balance local needs with a positive visitor experience."

For autumn leaves measures specific to Macedon and Mount Macedon, visit mrsc.vic.gov.au/autumn-leaves for more information.

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