Family First: Criticizing Drag Queens Isn't Hate Speech

Family First Party

Criticising sexualised and gender-fluid LGBTIQA+ drag queens who indoctrinate children into harmful and inappropriate concepts should not be illegal, according to Family First.

Lead Senate candidate for Victoria, Bernie Finn, said that is exactly what Labor's new "hate speech" laws will do.

"Introducing 'drag queens' as a protected attribute into the Equal Opportunity Act is farcical," Mr Finn said.

The Equal Opportunity Act is already bad law and the new provisions to include sexual orientation and gender identity alongside 'drag queens' will only make it worse.

"Clearly this is designed to shut down concerns mainstream mums and dads have of Councils bringing radical LGBTIQA+ drag queens into local libraries to read to toddlers.

"Mainstream Australians should be allowed to express an opinion about drag queen story time events in public places without the risk of being prosecuted."

"The ideas of the LGBTIQA+ political movement must be allowed to be debated without fear of being dragged to court as my colleague Lyle Shelton has been for writing a blog that said drag queens were dangerous role models for children."

Mr Finn said the new laws already went too far by lowering the threshold for vilification to "likely to incite" from "actually" incite.

"Laws like this are too subjective and empower activists to go after faith-based schools and even churches and mosques which teach heterosexual marriage and the scientific view of gender," Mr Finn said.

"Mainstream Australians support protecting the Jewish community against antisemitism but somehow rainbow activists have smuggled their anti-free speech agenda into the legislation."

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