Family First: Scrap AHRC, Preserve Harmony Day

Family First Party

The Family First Party today renewed its call for the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) to be abolished, condemning the Commission's latest divisive race-based agenda to re-name Harmony Day. Family First National Director and lead NSW Senate candidate Lyle Shelton said the AHRC's proposal to rename Harmony Day so it could teach Australians they were systematically racist was preposterous.

"Family First rejects the AHRC's critical race theory and its crazy idea that Harmony Day 'hides racism'.

"Australians are among the most welcoming people in the world, not a racist nation as implied by the AHRC.

"Millions of migrants who have made Australia home, embracing Australian culture and values are testament to just how wrong the AHRC is.

"Taxpayer dollars should not fund an institution that labels Australians as racist."

Mr Shelton said Family First supported schools celebrating Australia's successful multiracial society but stressed that all people – regardless of race – should embrace Australian culture and values.

"We oppose any ideology that pits students against each other based on race. Unity, not division, should be at the heart of education."

Family First strongly opposes the AHRC's push to rename Harmony Day as the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

If elected to the Senate, Family First Senators will move to abolish the AHRC and remove its divisive programs from school curricula.

"Australians deserve policies that unite, not divide – and Family First is committed to ensuring taxpayer dollars are spent on initiatives that strengthen, not weaken, our national identity," Mr Shelton said.

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