Family First to Mardi Gras: Mock Christianity Yourself

Family First Party

Family First has called for an end to taxpayer funding of the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras.

This follows images posted on social media from the event depicting a queer Aboriginal man wearing stripper's boots spearing a man depicting Jesus Christ.

"The Mardi Gras has a history of mocking Christianity in ways it would never dream of mocking other religions, such as Islam," Family First National Director and lead NSW Senate candidate Lyle Shelton said.

"Family First challenges Mardi Gras participants to mock Islam the same way they mock Christianity.

"Christian people are one of the most tolerant groups in our community and don't seek to make blasphemy or even vilification unlawful.

"But that doesn't mean the taxpayer should pay for it," Mr Shelton said.

"The Mardi Gras also insults indigenous culture which overwhelmingly saw homosexuality as taboo.

"There are also questions about whether taxpayers' funds should support a festival which promotes the chemical castration of children and their bodily mutilation through so-called 'gender-affirming care'.

"We note one of the former leaders of the same-sex marriage Yes campaign, Alex Greenwich, was wearing a shirt that said 'protect trans kids'.

"If the Mardi Gras was serious about protecting children struggling with their biology it would stop contributing to their distress by promoting the lie that gender is fluid," Mr Shelton said.

The Mardi Gras does not represent mainstream Australians, and it is time mums and dads stopped paying for it.

If elected, Family First Senators will fight to have public money cut from the Mardi Gras.

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