Joint media release with the Hon Clare O'Neil MP
The Albanese Labor Government is delivering job security for essential translating and interpreting workers.
The Government will transition 50 casual labour hire call centre positions in the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) to permanent, ongoing Australian Public Service jobs.
Since 1973, TIS workers have provided a free telephone interpreting service - the first of its kind globally.
50 years on, staff now operate a 24/7 service, including translating vital information into more than 150 languages during the COVID-19 pandemic, bushfires and floods.
Operators handle more than a million calls each year, including over 25,000 Triple Zero calls.
This arrangement will strengthen TIS National's ability to provide services to the many Australians who speak languages other than English, and will offer the job security and entitlements these workers deserve.
Quotes attributable to Minister for Home Affairs, Minister for Cyber Security Clare O'Neil
"The TIS National contact centre connects Australians to essential services that we all rely on every day, including Triple Zero and other emergency support. In our multicultural society it's critical that language not be a barrier to accessing these services, especially during natural disasters and other crises.
"The Albanese Government is committed to reducing insecure work and within my portfolio we're working to turn back the tide of insecurity which went unchecked for a decade under the previous government.
"Working people need and deserve certainty. They deserve jobs they can count on. I want my department, where possible, to set that example."
Quotes attributable to Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs Andrew Giles
"As we mark 50 years of Australia's first multicultural policy, the Albanese Government is committed to delivering workers who support our multiculturalism communities a better deal and a brighter future.
"This change will provide long-needed job security to these workers- the majority of which are women who will now have access to long-term hybrid work from home conditions."
Quotes attributable to National President, Community and Public Sector Union, Brooke Muscat
"The CPSU has fought for years to end the overreliance on outsourcing and labour hire work in the APS because of the adverse impacts on both employees and public service delivery.
"Our members who work in the Translating and Interpreting Service have seen firsthand the downturn in workplace culture and morale as insecure work increased to a point where less than 20% of roles were secure APS jobs.
"The transitioning of 50 of roles in the Translating and Interpreting Service workforce from labour hire to APS jobs, is a win for workers, secure jobs and public service delivery."