Farewell to Dame Iritana Te Rangi Tāwhiwhirangi

  • Hon Tama Potaka

Kahurangi Iritana Te Rangi Tāwhiwhirangi was close to many people and her passing will be felt across the motu, Māori Development Minister Tama Potaka says.

"Kahurangi Iritana was an icon who remained staunch to the spirit and substance of tino rangatiratanga.

"Her work over many kaupapa, including kohanga reo, reinforced the principle that Māori succeeding as Māori, by Māori, for Māori and for everyone, is a beating heart of our country's future.

"Kahurangi Iritana's commitment to challenging the status quo helped ensure te reo Māori was sustained and thrived in homes and communities across the motu.

"That was one of her greatest gifts to Aotearoa: the words - the language - that speaks to the wairua of our people was strengthened and shared across generations.

"Her efforts across multiple kaupapa epitomise mana wahine and pūkengatanga.

"To her whānau, we extend our mihi aroha and deepest condolences.

"While her tūpuna and ancestors have called her home, her legacy will continue with us for the great benefit of Iwi, Māori and of all Aotearoa New Zealand."

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