Tonight's Federal Budget underscores just how critical the upcoming election will be to deliver the key investments needed to secure and grow Australian agriculture in an increasingly uncertain environment.
National Farmers' Federation President David Jochinke said this was a chance for the Federal Government to back Australian agriculture and give the economy a much-needed shot in the arm.
"While we acknowledge some new funding targeting the sector - especially the $3.5 million for a National Food Security Strategy, a key election ask - the budget falls well short of the investment needed to unlock agriculture's full potential," Mr Jochinke said.
"Farmers are grappling with major geopolitical, environmental and societal shifts. We need a sharper focus from Government to ensure we keep farmers farming, and keep food affordable for Aussie families.
"As we shift into election gear, the NFF is strapped in and focused on the road ahead. We will make sure agriculture's needs don't fall off the back and into a pothole."
Mr Jochinke said trade was a worthy focus for the agriculture portfolio, and showed the Government was listening to farmers' increasing concerns about the changing trade environment.
"Farmers export about 70% of what they produce, so undoubtedly any threats to market access are top of mind.
"Next week, Australia finds out whether the US administration will impose further tariffs on our products. If tariffs are imposed on agriculture, we look forward to working with the Government to build on what has been announced tonight."
The budget includes $6.8m for international engagement and market access, as well as $20m for a Buy Australian campaign.
The NFF was disappointed the Murray-Darling Basin buybacks was again shrouded in secrecy.
"Yet again, the Government hasn't disclosed what buybacks are costing taxpayers. The Government's buyback program is being conducted behind closed doors, with no regard for the communities impacted nor for adhering to corporate best practice.
"Instead of investing sneaky millions - or billions - into damaging buybacks, we call on the Government to redirect the funding into direct measures like eradicating carp or native fish breeding programs.
"We need significant funding to eradicate pests and weeds. We welcome the focus on pest management in the budget, but it's only a drop in the ocean of what farmers and the environment needs."
Through detailed deliberation with our members across the country, the NFF provided 20 strategic investments to the Government that would strengthen agriculture and the Australian economy.
"We acknowledge funding for new and existing infrastructure and $2.9m to help fresh produce suppliers better negotiate with supermarkets.
"We need billions more invested in fixing potholed rural roads. We need innovative approaches to stimulate regional housing and overcome workforce challenges. We need major investment in our waterways and in ecosystem services to protect our environment," Mr Jochinke said.
"With these game-changing investments missing from tonight's budget, all eyes are now on the election. We need to see all parties step up to the plate and keep Aussie farmers farming."
The NFF's election platform can be found here.