Farmers Urge Cyclone Preparations

NSW Farmers is strongly urging the community to prepare themselves for Tropical Cyclone Alfred.

Farmers from the Tweed and Northern Rivers down to the Mid North Coast had been preparing for damaging winds, high tides and heavy rainfall in the coming days, NSW Farmers Far North Coast branch chair Craig Huf said.

"Farmers are good at preparation, and up here farmers on the floodplain who have been able to install flood mounds are now putting them to good use. But anyone who hasn't done so already should be putting their plans into action - tie things down, move your gear to higher ground - because it's better to be safe than sorry," Mr Huf said.

"I know many of us in rural communities are happy to lend a hand, and authorities are on standby to respond and support, so please reach out for help if you need it.

"For farmers, the Department of Primary Industries and Local Land Services have a variety of information on their websites and social media channels to help you prepare."

The NSW SES advised people to download the Hazards Near Me app, which included the latest warnings and information for impacted communities.

If you need assistance during floods and storms call the NSW SES on 132 500 or Triple Zero (000) for life threatening emergencies.

Farmers who need assistance through the Agricultural and Animal Services Hotline should call 1800 814 647.


• Never drive, walk or play in flood waters

• Consider the consequences of road and bridge closures and water over roads and make alternate arrangements for work, children, and travel

• Obey all signs about road closures and instructions from emergency services

• If you are likely to be isolated due to flooding, stock up on essential items now

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