The Ovingham Level Crossing Removal Project is now complete, with the new Torrens Road bridge and upgraded Churchill/Torrens Roads intersection completely open to traffic.
As well as the new overpass over the Adelaide Metro Gawler rail line and Australian Rail Track Corporation freight line, and the upgraded intersection, the project also includes a new community plaza, bike lanes, artwork, extensive landscaping and other improvements.
The $231 million project was jointly funded by the Australian and South Australian governments on a 50:50 basis.
More than 21,000 vehicles cross the new bridge each day.
Prior to the removal of the crossing, the boom gates were down for almost a quarter of the time during the morning and afternoon peak periods, significantly impacting traffic flow and slowing down commutes and travel times.
These delays are now a thing of the past as cars drive up and over the rail line via the new bridge.
As part of the project, the adjacent Ovingham Railway Station has been upgraded, while extensive landscaping has been undertaken in the vicinity of the overpass.
The precinct also includes a community plaza, playground equipment and Aboriginal artwork installations, including murals on the pillars and abutment.
The site office and laydown areas that have been in use during construction will be converted into public parks, providing the community with additional open green space.
These parks will be located along Drayton Street, Chief Street and Churchill Road.
The SA Department for Infrastructure and Transport delivered the project as part of an alliance (the Public Transport Projects Alliance - Ovingham) with McConnell Dowell Constructors (Aust) Pty Ltd, Mott MacDonald Australia Pty Ltd and Arup Pty Ltd.
The project team is today hosting a celebration to thank the community for their patience and cooperation during the construction, utilising the new public spaces.
Quotes attributable to Federal Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King:
"The Australian Government is proud to have co-funded this essential work to improve safety and convenience for motorists, train travellers, pedestrians and local residents who will benefit from the improved community facilities.
"These vital safety and efficiency improvements will get the people of Adelaide home sooner and safer while improving amenity for pedestrians and locals.
"This project is further evidence that we're getting on with the job of delivering worthwhile infrastructure projects in South Australia."
Quotes attributable to SA Infrastructure and Transport Minister Tom Koutsantonis:
"I've been eagerly watching this major project come together, with the new bridge and other upgrades marking a huge improvement for people driving through the area.
"Everyone who uses this route - whether commuting to the city or heading into the north-western suburbs - can appreciate what a difference it makes not having to stop for passing trains.
"I'm very happy we're now able welcome the public to the wonderful new precinct that's been constructed underneath and alongside the bridge.
"Today's celebration will be a great way to thank the local community for their patience during this significant work."
Quotes attributable to Federal Member for Adelaide Steve Georganas:
The removal of the level crossing will create a much better and safer commute for drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians. Importantly, it will also create open space and amenities for the local community.
I am so pleased that the Federal Government has significantly contributed to this important project for the people in the federal electorate of Adelaide and surrounding suburbs.
Quotes attributable to State Member for Adelaide Lucy Hood:
"I know locals have been eager to see green space returned to the area as part of this work, so we're incredibly glad to be able to deliver these parks.
"Engaging with the community has been key to this project, with local schools getting involved with landscaping and other efforts to encourage wildlife to the area."