Fatal Pedestrian Strike - Berrimah

The Northern Territory Police Force are investigating a fatal pedestrian strike that occurred in Berrimah yesterday evening.

About 8:25pm, the Joint Emergency Services Communication Centre received reports of a pedestrian being struck by a vehicle in the Southbound lanes of Stuart Highway within the vicinity of the Hidden Valley Road intersection.

The 42-year-old female pedestrian suffered critical injuries and died at the scene. The driver immediately stopped to render assistance and called emergency services. The driver tested negative for drugs and alcohol.

Police are also aware that the pedestrian was in the company of several people and they are assisting with inquiries.

A crime scene was established and Major Crash Detectives are currently investigating the circumstances of the crash.

Police are appealing for witnesses of the crash, or anyone who may have dashcam footage from the area around that time to make contact on 131 444 and quote reference number P25069491.

The lives lost on Territory roads in 2025 now stands at 5.

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